Saturday, September 25, 2010

Breaking it down

I just had to share this link. For those of you who haven't seen it, King Abdullah II of Jordan was on John Stewart last night. They were discussing the complexities of the Israel-Palestinian conflict and the dynamics in the Middle East. Abdullah does a fantastic job of giving rational, institutional, and symbolic arguments for why serious efforts need to be made (by the US, Israel, and Arab leaders) to resolve the conflict.


1 comment:

  1. that was a really interesting interview. i'd love to chat with you sometime about politics in jordan.

    i was really surprised by how much pressure Abdullah put on the Israeli and Palestinian leaders by flat-out stating that war will result from a lack of progress by the 30th. I was wondering what his motives are for being so blunt. Maybe he's trying to put pressure on the leaders from the two sides, but I can't imagine that a statement like this on the Daily Show would be an effective venue to communicate it. I wonder if he's saying this in private as well as public?

